Monday, July 30, 2012

Pinned There, Done That

Once a month, I share a "pinspired" project!

I'm sure many of you have, or have seen, the cute decorated keys blanks you can buy. In fact, this is what my house key used to look like.

That's right. Used to. After countless door lockings and unlockings, adventures at the bottom of my purse, and baby slobber showers, my house key has seen better days. Which wouldn't really have been a problem, except, my other cute key was in pretty bad shape, too. And it was getting tough to tell them apart. I know...poor widdle Sawa. After wallowing in self-pity for about half a second, I decided to take matter into my own crafty hands!
There are a million and twelve glitter tutorials on Pinterest, including, keys. Since I couldn't seem to find my actual pin - what is with that? - Kaylie and I just winged it. Don't worry, it's not rocket science. In fact, it's easy enough a four year-old can do it! (However, I googled this tutorial for you just in case you like to read instructions.)

Our supplies

"I'm already ready already, Mom!"

My super-fancy-key-holder

Killing time while we wait for the first coat to dry. :)
That key is too pretty for that door, no?

A big "toes up" for the awesome new footwear! :)

Kaylie and I are pretty happy with how this one turned out. It was practically instant gratification. (It took less than a hour. And we did two coats of modge podge and glitter. Although, I did make her wait about an hour before letting her try her flip flops on...just to be safe.) Plus, there's glitter! While I'm not one of those girls who puts glitter on EVERYTHING. I do still love a good glitter craft. It makes me feel like I'm about eight years old. Not bad for an afternoon, huh?

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