Friday, July 27, 2012

Funny Story of the Week - Silly Things (My) Kids Say

Welcome to Funny Story of the Week! Where every week, we tell a funny story! :)

This is my 4 yr. old daughter, Kaylie. (In case you can't tell, the picture is supposed to be of her cute, little sweater. Because, in her mind, what could possibly say "cute sweater" better than 3-D glasses? Nothing! That's what!) 

Sometimes, she says the funniest things. 

Case in point: Yesterday evening.
         "Whoa! That scared my craps right out of me!"

How about you? What silly things do you hear kids say?


  1. Silliest thing Parker has said lately...
    Do you want me to set the fan to ovulate?

  2. Ooh...I am so using that on Jon today! So silly!
